Other Small Animals

Rabbits and Ferrets


Adoption of a healthy rabbit

Choose a rabbit with clean hair around the snout and anus. The coat must be soft and full, without bare areas. If only one rabbit in the group shows abnormal symptoms, other rabbits might be contaminated even if they seem normal.

A rabbit with a good character is curious and will come to you after a little while. It will smell your fingers and let you pick him up without trying to get away. Once in your arms, the rabbit should be calm, without trying to jump to the ground. A really great rabbit will let you turn it on its back without a fight.

The rabbit is a gregarious animal and is happier when it doesn’t live alone. You can choose two females, a female and a castrated male, or two males that have been castrated at a young age.

With good care, the rabbit can easily live up to 10 to 15 years.

Accessories for the rabbit:

  • A large cage;
  • A litter box;
  • A soft substratum for the bottom of the cage (for example care resh);
  • Toys;
  • Food (basic rabbit food without grains or other ingredients, dry hay);
  • Feeding bowl;
  • Water bottle

First visit to the veterinarian

You should take your rabbit to a veterinarian as soon as you purchase it, so its health can be evaluated. You should also bring a stool sample. Intestinal parasites can lead to serious problems in young rabbits. No vaccination is required for rabbits.


Sterilization of female rabbits is essential to prevent tumours in the uterus, which are all too common.

The castration of the male has for effect to calm them. The castration decreases the smell of urine. It also prevents the marking of territory by spraying furniture and walls or dropping stools around the house.


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